News list for " 106.26"

Base set a record of 106.26 TPS, up nearly 28% since November 23.

Base set a record of 106.26 TPS, making it the fastest Ethereum L2 solution. This marks a nearly 28% increase in its TPS since November 23. According to Jesse Pollak, head of protocols at Base, the average TPS at Base in January was only 4. (Cointelegraph)

2024-11-26 02:39:11
Base创下106.26 TPS纪录,自11月23日以来增长近28%

Base 创下 106.26 TPS 的纪录,成为最快的以太坊 L2 解决方案。这标志着其 TPS 自 11 月 23 日以来增长了近 28%。Base 协议负责人 Jesse Pollak 表示,1 月份 Base 的平均 TPS 仅有 4。(Cointelegraph)

2024-11-26 02:39:11